AmeriCorps Seniors Logo
AmeriCorps Seniors Logo


​The AmeriCorps Seniors WV Association was formed in 1995. Directors of the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program, Foster Grandparent Program and Senior Companion Program of West Virginia joined together to form the West Virginia Senior Corps Directors Association. This effort was initiated by the RSVP Directors Association in 1994. The purpose of the Association was for all three AmeriCorps Seniors Programs to work jointly to further their efforts in West Virginia. ​

Association efforts have progressed significantly since that time. Today, the Association promotes legislative awareness of AmeriCorps Seniors Programs and State funding for programs. The AmeriCorps Seniors website has been developed to share the services of AmeriCorps Seniors programs in West Virginia. The Association has a statewide strategic plan and outcome measurement process, to determine how best to meet the community needs of West Virginia.
